Marijuana On the Brink of Legalization in New York

The heated debate over legalizing marijuana still polarizes the country. While supporters fight to decriminalize cannabis, citing its associations with institutional racism, others brandish the plant as a gateway to more dangerous substances. But for New York, legalization looks promising.

On #420, some supporters used their celebrity to advocate for nationwide legalization via social media. Many newsrooms dedicated coverage to the marijuana issue, some focusing on social injustices associated with the plant while others honed in on the politics. Those who opposed marijuana also spoke out online touting religion and food as substitutions to celebrating #420.  Some social media posters who oppose the legalization of marijuana cited religion and food as options to marijuana. But the once popular #GlazeItDongBlazeIt! is quickly fading.

The touchy topic has become the butt, (pun intended) of some political campaigns. Most notably the race for New York State governor where the incumbent faces a  celebrity, Cynthia Nixon, best known for her role in Sex in the City.

In New York, marijuana is legal for medicinal purposes only, but lawmakers appear to be on the brink of decriminalizing the plant, likely to the extent of legalization.

Los Angeles celebrities toke for sport, but a casual interaction with the plant could can have a different result for those living in New York.

Northern border states are leading the movement to legalize marijuana, with California at the helm. Here’s some data on who’s toking and how fast the industry is growing.

But the burgeoning industry still receives some pushback, both from lawmakers and U.S. residents who are as vocal as the industry’s supporters. The movement spawned its own hashtag – #GlazeItDontBlazeIt

On the legislative side, many are crediting Cynthia Nixon for the most recent push to legalize marijuana. Nixon is looking to unseat Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Since her announcement, the candidate has campaigned on a set of progressive policies, including the legalization of marijuana. Some say Nixon is forcing the governor to respond with equal or more progressive legislation. On the heels of her Aprill 11 

On the heels of her Aprill 11 video calling for the state to legalize marijuana, Cuomo began championing the idea.


As of #420, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is still not on board with the legalization of marijuana as told to Brian Lehrer during the weekly Ask the Mayor segment on WNYC. (The Mayor’s marijuana talk is 30 minutes)


However, recent federal support could bring about a nationwide marijuana legalization campaign, including U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer of New York.

On #420 New York City first high-end medical dispensary on 5th Ave. in Manhattan. Several politicians were present.

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