13th – A Film Review

13th – A Film Review

FILM REVIEWS, NEWYORKFILMFEST54, NYC FILM FESTIVALS 13TH Film Review, 54th New York Film Festival by admin • December 5, 2016 • 0 Comments By Senior Editor Kadia Goba, December 5, 2016 Once again, Ava DuVernay Executive Producer of the resounding SELMA, leads us through a sensitive but powerful cinematic voyage, this time, detailing the big business of mass incarceration and its menacing of American Civil Liberties, especially the harmful […]

Kadia Goba Reviews STARLESS DREAMS, HRW Film Fest Screening Release Date for Human Rights Watch Film Festival: June 10, 2016 Award-winning Iranian director, producer, and screenwriter Mehrdad Oskouei shows us a specific take on the lives of some misguided Iranian teenage girls in this documentary. Their experiences seem similar to victimized teens in the Western world and perhaps that was […]